Favorite Places and Spaces

Hej, friends!!!

With 9 days left in the semester, I constantly feel like I’m jumping from one thing to the next with finals and all of those last minute side trips happening at once. There’s so much I still want to do (or redo) in Copenhagen before my flight back to the United States. So, in an effort to plan and blog at the same time, in no particular order, here are 9 of my favorite places in Copenhagen in honor of my 9 days left!

  1. Saint Peter’s Bakery

I go here every Wednesday. The people at the counter recognize me and know I speak English and that I always want a cinnamon snail with icing and not sugar. The 15 DKK onsdagssnegel (translated: Wednesday snails) are hard to beat – especially when the bakery is so close to DIS. They’re always a great pick me up on a day full of field studies.



  1. Vaffelbageren

I didn’t know what good ice cream was until I came to Denmark. I thought I did, but I was very, very wrong. Their mint ice cream has not let me down yet. Even more, you can get their ice cream on delicious homemade Belgian waffles or waffle cones, and if you’re feeling really Danish, you can top it all off with a flødeboller. Believe me, it’s a good thing that Nyhavn is crowded on such sunny days because it’s prevented me from eating there every day this week. Thanks, tourists! 

  1. The Citadel

So, naming The Citadel as one of my favorite places is like a half-truth. I actually love the walk from Nyhavn through the citadel, to the Little Mermaid. My ideal Saturday is taking the train into Nørreport, walking to Nyhavn, stopping for ice cream at Vaffelbageren (it’s a weakness), and then walking along convincing myself that I burned off the calories I just ate. In all seriousness though, something about the citadel reminds me of the rural, small town I grew up in. The tourists usually don’t walk all the way through, you can get beautiful views of the water, and it’s a great opportunity to just “be Danish”. Also, if you walk the perimeter of the Citadel, you’re just a few feet away from The Little Mermaid, so you can grab a quick photo there, and then it’s a quick walk to Østerport Station and I’m on the S-tog home! Best. Saturday. Ever.


  1. Tiger

The best way that I can explain Tiger stores is by calling it Target’s dollar spot on steroids. You could probably fit 20 of Target’s dollar spots in one Tiger and they sell everything from office supplies, to toys, to the bizarre. Didn’t know you need a foam brain? – You do. What about a vase that looks like a hippo? – Yup. And maybe a giant bag of candy while you’re waiting to pay? – If you insist. That’s a typical Tiger experience (for me). And yes, everything is ridiculously cheap, which is extra nice when you’re trying to save money for weekend travels but just need a quick shopping trip.

  1. The S-tog

Speaking of the S-tog, it’s actually pretty great and I’ve learned to love my commute to and from the city. Unlike the public transportation I had previously experienced back in the states, the S-tog is quiet and clean – the perfect environment for daydreaming out the window when you’re tired on the way to and from school.


  1. Sandwich Pigen

If you want to find DIS students at lunchtime, you’re sure to find a few at Sandwich Pigen and I am no exception. This is my go-to spot if I know I have a late class or won’t be home for dinner, because it’s a big lunch. Insider tip: I know sandwich is in the name, but if you order the salads you get the same food in larger portions, so it’s more bang for your buck. And if you’re still taking recommendations from me, try their frikadeller. (They’re like Danish meatballs.)

  1. Copenhagen Street Food

Copenhagen Street Food, or Papirøen, is a wonderful world of all different types of food. It also fulfilled my burger craving at the beginning of the semester by giving me a very yummy burger that was the size of my face for very little money, which I will be forever grateful for. It’s also worth noting that this is the best place to go with a big group of people, because there’s literally something for everyone. No arguments necessary.


  1. DIS v10-A Lounge

I spend most of my time between classes here. It’s a tiny lounge and usually pretty quiet, because not many people want to hike up the stairs to the third floor in V10. Plus, this lounge has a microwave and the comfiest chairs at DIS. What more could you need?! (Answer: nothing)

  1. The King’s Gardens

The King’s Gardens are a recent discovery, mostly because the fact that nice weather exists in Copenhagen is a recent discovery, too. 🙂 Right now the flowers in the gardens are in full bloom and on nice days like today, the grass is filled with Danes trying to get as much sun as possible. On days that aren’t so busy, I like to grab a bench and journal with the flowers and Rosenborg Slot in the background. It makes me feel very European.


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